Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Do You Smell What Barack is Cookin'?

still cooking...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Vision of The Left: TEOTWAWKI

The End Of The World As We Know It.

That's the vision of the left.

Call them visionaries. They have big plans for America and they have big plans for us.

They tell us they envision a perfect world. A world where the skies are blue, the earth is green, people never shoot each other because they have no guns, there are no terrorists because we quit creating them and everyone is all the same. Everyone is happy because we've done away with capitalism, we live longer, richer lives and everything is free. Nobody is overweight or underweight, no one smokes, there's no "junk food" or saturated fat and the government basically runs everything.

The scenario I've written above probably doesn't even sound remotely possible to anyone with any common sense. You look at yourself and realize that you wouldn't achieve success if you didn't have some competition. What would be the point of Olympics, sports, art, music if there weren't winners and losers? Without competition, humanity follows the law of thermodynamics in which things progressively deteriorate. So no matter what government does, there will be always be "winners and losers," even if the government is the one who decides who those winners and losers will be. But is this even government's job is? To create winners and losers based on who they decide should be? Is this really what we want?

This world that the far left envisions is the very antithesis of what the founders of America envisioned. The first 10 amendments of the constitution where all created to restrict government, not to restrict the people. Individual liberty and freedom is the core principle upon which "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are created.

Are these people really pro-choice? Nope. They don't really believe that you can do what you want. If they think that your actions are creating pollution, even though they have no evidence of pollution being created, then they reserve the right to tax you or force you to buy carbon credits. They want to destroy the best health care system in the world. The system that all the other medical systems around the world have relied upon for resources and research and the system to which people all around the world flock to for care and education.

The left wants to take us back to the 15th century. This is the wrong direction for America and the wrong direction for The World as We Know It. Defeat the left and move on too a better world with more freedom and more liberty for all!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Does Barack Obama Want To Make "White Slaves"?

Lately it seems that people have been starting to see a little different side of Obama than they had formerly seen. Instead of the charming personality that was presented to us for the last number of years, we, through Rev. Wright and through comments that Michelle has made and also the most recent gaffe by Obama himself have been seeing a very different picture.

We're beginning to see the emergence of an extremely liberal senator who supports the ideology of the far left. This version of Obama refuses to condemn terrorists. Instead, he seems to sympathize with their cause.

So is the Obama that we don't know yet one that really does believe in affirmative action in a very extreme way? I'm not saying that it's definitely true that he does believe this, but his willingness to trash his own grandmother in an attempt to save himself politically does make me wonder if he might be more than willing to accept affirmative action in an extreme that we've never seen it before.

Perhaps he believes that the original sin of slavery that so many liberation theology talk about has not yet been atoned for; perhaps he believes that in order for America to be redeemed from this sin white folks must get a dose of their own medicine and become slaves.

Again, not saying I think these are true, just speculating. After all, wasn't it Obama himself that quoted his pastor in saying that "white folk's greed runs a world in need"(source here)? Wasn't it Obama himself that stated that many small town folks are bitter and cling to their guns and religion for hope? Barack seems to think that he's got white folks all figured out and I tend to think that it wouldn't be a far cry for him to believe in a sort of retribution where whites become slaves in order to atone for the sins of their forefathers.

Maybe Micheal Savage isn't so far out in his description of Barack Obama after all!